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The Legendary Dzi
The ancient Tibetan Dzi
Peerless treasure and
The source of limitless merit and wisdom

September 21, 2003 - October 12, 2003

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Since thousands of years ago, Tibetan dzi has been extracting the essence of the universe in this land of mystique. As a sincere offering, it has been blessed and consecrated and throughout history, was hailed as the treasure and dowry of the royalty. More so, it cannot be imitated by modern technology. It is a legend that lives on.

Being so rare and precious, the Tibetan Dzi possesses strong energies and mystical powers. These charming beads come in myriad forms and are highly valuable artistically. Besides being the best material offering to the Buddha, it is the love of practitioners and a collector’s item for artists. It is the source of endless merit and wisdom.

The origins of Dzi

With a history of 2000-2500 years, Dzi originates from Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkhim, Ladakh and other places in the Himalayan region.

The designs of Dzi

The designs and shapes of Dzi broadly includes point, line, square, round, triangular, oval, many-sided, seed, irregular, animal, abstract and symbols formation. The different designs represent different meanings and functions. The value of Dzi is very much dependent on the colour and the rarity of that particular design.

Authenticating and differentiating the Dzi

Observation of the Dzi can be made from colour, surface design and the sheen and moisture that it exhibits, the level of transparency, the totality of its form and the signs of erosion.

The benefits of Dzi

Wearing the Dzi generates merit, pacifies obstacles and sicknesses. As Dzi possesses powerful energy, it helps in blood circulation and the balance of the elements, thus building our immunity and enhancing overall health.

Cleansing the Dzi

The Dzi is most frequently cleansed using sandalwood oil and holding it in the palms while reciting the Buddha's name with a heart of gratitude. This way of communicating with the Dzi will bring you great merit.

Developing wisdom and spirituality

The Dzi is able to transform cleverness into wisdom and uplift spiritual energy. It has the function of nurturing compassion and Bodhicitta. For this reason, the Dzi is a special offering to Buddha and spiritual practitioners.
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